Bishop’s Waltham Parish Council is responsible for improving the local community. It represents the whole electorate within the parish, delivers services to meet local needs, and strives to improve quality of life in the parish.
The Parish Council has the powers to spend money on community transport, traffic calming, crime prevention, youth projects, tourism activities, leisure facilities, community centres, car parks, recreation grounds, entertainment, street furniture, street cleaning, allotments, bus shelters and land.
The Parish Council comments on planning applications and can be represented at public inquiries. It is likely to be granted more powers to negotiate with the local principal authorities and take on additional responsibilities.
Councillors have three main components to their work.
Decision making
where money should be spent, what services should be delivered and what policies should be implemented
the efficiency and effectiveness of services and keeping an eye on how well things are working
Getting involved locally
meetings with individual residents or the wider community, taking up public issues and involvement in local organisations
The Bishop’s Waltham Parish Council comprises 14 Councillors who are elected very 4 years. The Council is led by the Chair (who is supported by a Vice Chair) both of whom are elected by their fellow Councillors. The term of office for the Chair is a maximum of two years. Should a councillor resign during their 4 year term and insufficient people stand for election to fulfil the vacancy, then a process of co-option can be undertaken.
A Parish Councillor is governed by a designated Code of Conduct which includes a statutory duty to promote and maintain high standards of conduct by all. All Councillors are required to attend the monthly Parish Council Meeting.
Committees – meet monthly
- Finance, Policy and Resources Committee
- Planning and Highways Committee
- Halls and Grounds Committee
- Community & Environment Committee
Working with Others
The Parish Council works closely with other authorities including Winchester City Council (District), Hampshire County Council, and the Police.
The Council also has strong relationships with the wide range of community groups and organisations achieved through bi-annual meetings with the Bishop’s Waltham Association of Community Organisations, offering grant opportunities and providing venues for events. There are similar links with both the Bishop’s Waltham Town Team and the Chamber of Trade.
The Council provides a range of facilities (halls, sports fields, play areas and general public areas) which are available for hire or free use as appropriate.