The Role of Winchester City Council and the South Downs National Park Authority
The Planning process is managed by Winchester City Council and South Downs National Park Authority (responsibility depends on the application location) who receives, assesses and approves/rejects planning applications. The Parish Council are consulted on all planning applications within the Parish and can formally object to applications and has done so on a frequent basis. The Parish Council has a planning committee which is open to the public and we welcome residents to attend and voice their concerns about specific planning applications.
The proposed launch of the Winchester District Local Plan was agreed at by Winchester City Council's Cabinet on 18 July 2018. The purpose of the Local Plan is to provide a planning policy framework to direct growth and change to appropriate locations, in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework requirement to achieve sustainable development. The Local Plan will also include a range of planning polices to inform the location, scale and appearance of developments. When adopted it will replace the adopted Core Strategy (Part 1), Local Plan Part 2, Development Management and Allocations and the Gypsy and Traveller & Travelling Showpersons Development Plan Document. The Local Plan will cover the period up to 2038.
The South Downs Local Plan 2014-2033 covers the entire National Park. It follows extensive public consultation with local communities and detailed scrutiny and examination by the Government’s Planning Inspectorate, which found the policies to be sound subject to a number of modifications.
The Local Plan has been informed by a range of factors relating to the special qualities of the National Park, including landscape character, biodiversity and cultural heritage of the National Park, Neighbourhood Plans, local housing and economic needs and the impact of climate change.
The Role of the Parish Council
The Parish Council is not a Planning Authority and therefore does not determine planning applications.
However the Parish Council is formally consulted by Winchester City Council and the South Downs National Park Authority on all planning applications within the Parish.
For further details on the role of the Parish Council on planning matters, please read about the Parish Council Planning Committee below.